
What is Neobux? ("Let's all try to learn something")

NeoBux was really revolutionary break among the PTC-sites with many innovations: instant payments to all, even standards; only real referrals; replacement of purchase of referrals with rent; lots of the different features which facilitating work of users and have been introduced for the first time on NeoBux; care of the command of a site of safety of users and of conscientiousness of users in relation to advertisers... More in detail about it it's possible to read below, in "Dynamics NeoBux". Today NeoBux, is No.1 in the world of PTC-sites undoubtedly. Among other things, this is strong benevolent community of users, people from all world, communicating and supporting each other.
The extremely interesting thing! You will see, how developed NeoBux from the very beginning; as the Admin seriously concerns to safety of a site and to wishes of users and estimate his titanic work :); will understand, why payments are made so ($2-$3-$4...$10) and many other things.
If you have already resisted in Neobux or planning to get resisted don't be too lazy, go on a forum, find topics which have interested you (use date in search) and esteem them completely. If you have any doubts about cashout, there are thousands of successful stories with payment proofs, go and see for yourself. Unlike other PTCs you can chat with others, so many helpful people plenty of.
What are you waiting for?
From Neobux site Admin:
"...We work with a 3 balance rules. And what are they? Very simple.
We know how much we need to pay all the users. That amount is only for cashouts and not spent for even a single coffee.
Now we take that amount and make 2 separate equal ones: One for backup (we never know) and one for expenses and investments. So, basically, imagine that we owe the users (the full sum of all users' balance) $10 (strange example). That means that we need to have at least $30 in total available at all times. The first $10 goes to the users (even if they don't want it it's stored there) The second $10 are stored as a backup. The third $10 are for expenses (servers, security, coffee, etc) and for our usual unorthodox advertisements in order to get fresh blood."

Strategy (01)

Hello everyone,

I believe that NeoBux is still one of the best paid to click programs out there. They do one thing consistently and that is they pay instantly. They seem to have a clear business model and show a level of sustainability that you normally do not see. Some people complain that it is not easy to make a lot of money with NeoBux and they are right. But with the right strategy it is not hard to make a good amount of money consistently without the worry of the company disappearing tomorrow. You need to pick a strategy and stay with it for the long haul with Neobux. With a few minutes a day you can really generate a nice income stream with NeoBux. Below, I have my strategy for those that are just starting out with NeoBux.

1. Choose a time of day that you can click ads and eventually manage your referrals at the same time everyday.

2. Click all available ads everyday (when you get referrals this is necessary to earn from referral clicks).

3. Utilize all free methods of advertising to gain any direct referrals. Talk it up with your friends and relatives. Put a tagline on your e-mail signature. Post in forums. Use free traffic exchanges.

4. Once your account balance reaches $2. Transfer this money to your rental balance and rent 3 referrals. It is only $0.75 to rent the referrals but you will need the remainder to properly manage the referrals.

5. Put the autopay function on.

6. If a referral of yours has not clicked today or yesterday and has click average of less than 2.0 then recycle it ($0.07) and get a new referral. If they have a click average of between 2.0 and 4.0, I will give them 4 days before I recycle them. I will give those with an average of over 4.0 seven days to return and click just because I would hate to recycle a great referral just because they were on vacation for a week.

7. Whenever, one of your referrals goes below 20 days before next payment pay to add another 30 days. Below 20 days, the autopay function does not work and you will not get the savings for that referral.

8. Every time your account balance reaches $1 transfer the money to your rental balance. At first when you are only making a couple of cents per day it is important to keep enough in your rental balance to maintain your recycling activity because you can only transfer in $1 increments. Once you can complete this transfer and have at least $2.40 in your rental balance rent another 3 referrals.

9. Continue this process until you are making a $1 a day in your account balance. At this point you can begin renting in bigger chunks of referrals every 7 days. Never rent a number of referrals that is greater than 33% of your existing totals as these will become difficult to manage through recycling with your earnings.

10. It will take a while but continue the above listed process until you reach 500 referrals. At this point stop renting and just maintain your referrals. Accumulate the earnings until you can pay for the upgrade to golden.

Neobux Strategy (02)
1.Neobux Background 
Neobux is an innovative PTC (Paid to Click) site, and this is not the PTC site you used to know. Neobux for sure is the innovation in PTC that you can actually make some money. You get paid by clicking on advertisers' Ads, typically $0.01 per Click. It doesn't sound like a lot, but if you employ a good strategy, particularly with the magic of "Rent Referral", you will be in an auto-pilot state collecting money 24/7. You can easily make up to $9,000 per year extra money with Neobux. 

And because rent-a-ref is such a unique and important feature, most of Neobux strategies are essentially related to how you deal with referrals renting.

2.Neobux Strategy for Standard Member 
If you are good at convincing people to join Neobux under your name, you can enjoy some nice earning in Neobux as a standard member. Otherwise, it is very hard for standard members to make real meaningful money. "How about renting referrals?" You may ask. Sorry to tell you, it is not profitable to rent referrals as a standard member. You have to keep your AVG (average clicks per day per ref) above 2.0 to make a profit. Otherwise, you could probably even lose money. Why? The reason is simple, you only get 50% earning from your referrals. 

For the purpose of discussion, let us assume you paid $30 for 100 referrals, so each referral costs you $3 per month. The referral has to click 60 ads (2 clicks per day) just for you to break even. 
Your Earning = 2*30*$0.01*50% = $3 
Your profit = $3- $3 = $0 

Is it possible to rent hard-working referrals to keep AVG above 2, 3, or 4? Yes, it is possible, only if you are very lucky and rent only a few referrals. If you try to rent more than 50 referrals, then statistics rules, that is, an AVG of 1.5 to 2.0.

My recommendation is, don't even try to rent a large number of referrals if you are a standard member. However, this is the tricky part, you probably need to rent a certain number of referrals (200 -300) before you upgrade to Gold membership soon because it is easier to rent as a standard member than a gold member. 

3. Neobux Strategy for Gold Member 
Gold member, on the other hand, requires lower average number of clicks (AVG) from referrals to break even. So if the AVG is above 1.0, you are basically in profit already. Lot of people may have written about Neobux on Internet. Some showed their payment proof, some showed the basics of Neobux, and very few explained the details how they made money with Neobux, particularly using the referral renting feature. What I am going to show you is the step by step implementation of a good and scientific sound Neobux Strategy.  

Week 1 - Rent 100 referrals, you will need to have a Paypal account to pay. Neobux charges $25/month($6.25/week) for 100 rented referrals. Although you can start FREE to accumulate your earning to rent referrals, putting a small amount of money will accelerate the process a lot, and your earning will be much more than your investment pretty soon. 

Statistically, the number of clicks for a referral is 1.5 per day, so 

Week 1 Earning =100*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 4*7*0.01 (self clicks)=$10.8 Cost = $25 (rent 100 referrals) 

Week 2 - Rent another 100 Referrals, so Week 2 Earning = 200*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 4*7*0.01 (self clicks) = $21.3 Cost = $25 (rent 100 referrals) + $11.3 (referral renewal) + 1.6 (recycling) = $37.9  

(1). You can only register as Standard Membership for the first couple of weeks, and the earning is $0.005/click for referrals (We simpled the calculation here using $0.01 for the first two weeks). 
(2). Neobux has a "Autopay" feature for rent referral renewal with 10% discount and assume 25% of the referrals will be renewed. i.e., so weekly renewal cost = 200*25%($25/100)*0.9=$11.3  
(3). Assume 10% recycling rate, i.e., 10% of referrals will be recycled each week, the recycling cost = 200*10%*0.08= $1.6 

Week 3 - Rent another 100 Referrals, and upgrade to Golden Membership for $90 per year. This is highly recommended because you will earn $0.01 per click for your referrals to double your earning. So,  
Week 3 Earning = 300*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 10*7*0.01 (self clicks) = $32.2  
Cost = $25 (rent new 100 referrals) + $16.9 (rent renewal) +$2.4 (recycling) +$90 (membership)=$134.3  

In the following weeks, you repeat the same thing adding 100 referrals every week. You can reinvest the earning to rent referrals. Of course, you need to spend 10-20 minutes a day to click a few Ads, otherwise the earnings from referrals will not be credited to your account. A piece of cake. You can refer to the table and figure above for the earning and cost for each weeks. Please also note that you will need around $150 initial investment to get started to accelerate the earning. Week 20 - By now, you should have reached the 2000 referrals limit by reinvesting what you have earned to rent more referrals every week.

Week 20 Earning = 2000*1.5*7*0.01 (Refs clicks) + 10*7*0.01 (Self Clicks) =$210.7 Cost = $25 (rent new 100 referrals) + $112.5 (rent renewal) +$16 (recycling)=$153.5 Profit = $210.7 - $153.5 = $57.2 

From this point on, the earning and cost will be stabilized, because you have reached the 2000 rented referrals limit. Since you can't buy new referrals any more, your cost will be only for referral renewal and recycling, which is $112.5 (rent renewal) +$16 (recycling)= $128.5. Your earning will still be $210.7 per week (same as week 20). Therefore, your weekly profit becomes $210.7 - $128.5 = $82.2 per week, or $356 per month! That doesn't sound too bad, right? Remember recycling is also a big part for account management.

5. Neobux Strategy for Ultimate Member  
It gets harder and harder these days to rent referrals because more and more people are fighting for referrals. You will also need to use the Neobux Strategy - How to Rent Referrals if you want to maintain as a gold member. The referrals can be easily rented out even one minute after the clock because so many people out there are trying to rent the referrals. You snooze, you lose.

As an alternative, I paid another $890 to upgrade to Ultimate Pack because I have a full-time job and I want to spend less time on this. However, the money spent should pay off fairly quickly. It guaranteed that the rented referrals are delivered to you on time and on a accelerated rate, which is 200 rent referrals every 4 days, or approximately 300 referrals per week! Once you reach the maximum 4,000 rented referrals for Ultimate Pack, you can earn as much as $177 per week profit, or $9,200 a year!

I will explain the cost and earning for week 20 as an example. 

Week 20 Earning = 4,000*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 15*7*0.02 (self clicks) = $422.1 
Week 20 Cost = 4,000*25%*$0.25*90% (referral renewal) + 4,000*10%*$0.05 = $245 
Profit = $ 422.1 - $ 245 = $177.1 per week, or $767 per month 

Again, the assumptions are:  
a. 1.5 average clicks per referral per day (AVG)  
b. 25% referrals are renewed every week, or all 4,000 are renewed every month.  
c. 10% referrals are recycled every week, or 40% of all referrals are recycled every month. 
d. Autopay is turned on to get 10% discount on referral renewal.

If you want to want to try different assumptions, plug your numbers into the number equations above to get an idea. It is impossible for me to present all the scenarios in this article here. 

In summary, the Neobux strategy for Ultimate Members is not a whole lot different than that for gold members. It wins because it has larger number of referrals which are basically your working force. No selling here, I have to mention that Neobux provides a lot of nice features for ultimate members to reduce the cost for account maintenance, such as 7 days for free recycling, discounted rate for recycling, discounted rate for referral renting, 30 days of vacation mode etc. You got what you paid for, right?  

What are you waiting for? 

My referrals are busy clicking and earning money for me while I am working, jogging, or sleeping. If you don't feel comfortable putting money in first, then work your way up from the free standard membership until you earn enough to upgrade. Realizing there are other factors leading to your success with Neobux, I hope that the Neobux strategy discussed here can at least give you some reference to set up a reasonable expectation.

Referral Recycling Strategy 

I have read here and there on Internet about Neobux recycling tips. Does it really help you that much, or it simply keeps things getting worse? You have to set aside a portion of your earning for the account maintenance. The Neobux Admin posted a nice article titled "Let's all try to learn something" touching on this subject (Attached below). I summarized it up as the following Neobux Referral Recycling Strategy. Hope it helps...

Neobux Referral Recycling Strategy:
1. Keep recycling and tossing out old under performers.
2. Use judgment when you recycle.
3. Use less free recycling, or don't use it at all unless you are an Ultimate Member

Let's all try to learn something – by Neobux Admin.

I've seen the worst account management in NeoBux history. We're have I seen it? Everywhere. So, either you like it or not, I'm here to teach you about account management. In this first class, we'll be learning how to recycle referrals. So, grab a seat, a mug of coffee and read on...

Referral Recycling: This is the most powerful tool that you can have to enhance your earnings. It's so powerful that is being completely misused. Let's start with the story behind the recycling process...Whenever you recycle a referral, you get a new one. No surprises here. The referral that got fired isn't tossed to the lions. After 15 days of being recycled, if his/her activity is back on the general rule of 10 clicks in 5 days, that user goes back to the rental distribution and can be rented or exchanged by another user again.

My in-depth analysis shows that 61% of the recycled referrals are indeed good users after those 15 days (I don't count the solitary days). This clearly shows that many users are being recycled like crazy.There are many types of people in this world and yes, like in Noah's Ark, we have a couple of each species:

● There are the excellent clickers: A good and hard-working user who religiously never misses a day of clicking. These are hard to find, especially when they have no referrals to work for.

● There are the once-upon-a-time clickers: We can easily divide these in two groups: The ones that click every other day (either because they click twice in a day or because they share an account) and the ones that click half (or about) the minimum advertisements available (also account sharing takes place as many daily normal activities people have with friends and family).

● There are the never-never clickers: These are the funny ones. They register but either never login or login but never click. These mostly come from referral's exchange and are here just to look at the funny pretty colors.

● There are click-and-got-tired clickers: These ones click on the first day(s) and then, all of the sudden, they get tired. Usually, it's not a wrist strain or a non working mouse but the deception of seeing only 1 cent per click. Daddy always gives them more as an allowance.

● There are the I-got-my-wife/mother-in-law/dog/boss on my back ones: These are the folks you see in the street rushing to work in the morning and getting home late at night. They do try to click but fail sometimes because there's something else more important to do.

● There are the crazy ones: These are classified as miscellaneous behavior individuals... you never know what they'll do next. So, after this mini classification, you'll see that everyone has their own life and ambitions. We have hundreds of users daily requesting us to reopen their accounts because they've been suspended because of being inactive for more than 30 days. Besides the usual hospitalization justification, the second one is always "I got scammed in PTC nr 195782 or in PTC nr 840932. This means that a bad clicker or inactive user can become an excellent one or, sometimes, it's just the other way around.This leads me to the account management itself. Most users recycle referrals as they were part of the same religion or soccer team. Trust me, they're not! There is no "this works for everyone strategy. No universal solution for the good management mystery. But, there is something that you can do in your account that you do each day in numerous situations in your life: judge!

You take a walk down the street and you see people, right? Either you like it or not, you judge them. But, until you know them, you judge them based on pre-defined ideals. You separate them by sex, weight, hair color, etc. How many times have you classified someone as bad and got to be their friend and enjoy their company? Referrals are people too... and most of you keep making the same mistakes over and over again as you do in real life.

Get to know your referrals better. Try to imagine each one as a person and analyze their clicking behavior. This will lead you to understand if they're just playing around or really want to be good users but can't. One by one is a hard task for those who many referrals... I never said it would be easy. Like being a boss of a 3 people company is way easier than being a boss for a multinational factory with thousands of workers. The more you have, the more you have to work.

And now, let's take a quick look at the free recycling. It's good, right? Free is always nice.But, here free can cost you... a lot! Many users use this free recycling as a way of saving but, most of them are not saving but losing in the end. It's very simple. You rent a referral for $0.20 (example). This means that for 14 days, this referral cost you around $0.10, correct? So, are you letting him be paid for doing nothing for 14 days and get a new one for free or are you going to recycle him/her? In the first option, while you don't pay a thing to have that referral recycled, you've lost $0.10. If you've recycled him/her in the first place, you'd only lose $0.08 and would have 14 days where most likely the new user would have clicked some advertisements thus making you earn. See the difference? Think about it.

Please, don't stare and drool at other users statistics. You're as good as they are. You have the tools and you need to use them. Referrals are real persons... active, lazy, caffeine addicted and sometimes ugly. So, waste a little more time. You'll be working towards a better goal: your profit. Hope these tips will enlighten you on how to optimize your management.

My AVG Drops, What Can I Do?

"My AVG (average clicks by referrals) drops!!!" This is the most common complaint that Neobux users are having right now. You are probably experiencing it, so am I. 

It is very frustrating, because AVG essentially equates to the earning power. What happened? It is easier to explain when a couple of referrals slack off for a couple of days, but how do you explain that AVG declines across the board, even for those who have thousands of referrals? Is Neobux finally using bots, as some rumor suggested? But, the Admin denied this theory in the same post and reaffirmed that Neobux only uses real people. Oh, well.

Then what exactly would this drop affect the earning? It is clear that an AVG of 2.5 was a very aggressive assumption in my original Neobux Strategy post, although it was close to 2.5 AVG when I first started. And because of the sharp drop in AVG, I am modifying the earning estimates using the new assumption and incorporating the earning by user him/herself and the cost for recycling.

New Assumptions:

1. AVG = 1.5

2. Recycling rate 10%, i.e., 10% of referrals will be recycled per week

3. Renewal rate 25%, i.e., 25% of referrals will be renewed through Autopay per week.

Without a doubt, basic members will lose money if AVG cannot be maintained above 2.0. So it will not be discussed here. You have to upgrade to gold or ultimate to earn money in Neobux.

Gold Member:
The earning and cost for gold member during the first 20 weeks are shown in the following.

After you reach 2000 referrals, your cost will be only for referral renewal and recycling, which is $112.5 (rent renewal) +$16 (recycling)= $128.5. Your earning will still be $210.7 per week (same as week 20). Therefore, your weekly profit becomes $210.7 - $128.5 = $82.2 per week, or $356 per month! That doesn't sound too bad, right?

Ultimate Member:
For Ultimate member, you can earn as much as $177 per week profit, or $9,200 a year! See the Table and Figure below. I will explain the cost and earning for week 20 as an example.

Week 20 Earning = 4,000*1.5*7*$0.01 (ref clicks) + 15*7*0.02 (self clicks) = $422.1
Week 20 Cost = 4,000*25%*$0.25*90% (referral renewal) + 4,000*10%*$0.05 = $245
Profit = $ 422.1 - $ 245 = $177.1 per week, or $767 per month.

There you have it. It takes about 20 weeks to break even in the first year. So the total earning for the first year would be (52weeks -20 weeks) * $177 = $5,664

From the second year and after, the earning is expected to do better because you've already built your team with 4000 referrals. The estimated earning would be (52 * $177) = $9,204

Yes. AVG drops, the earning shrinks. but at least it is still profitable. I can't say that I am extremely happy about the AVG drops. On the flip side, maybe it can help the sustainability of Neobux?